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Changes to golang OpenFeature Integration

· 3 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag

blog_cover.png We're excited to announce significant improvements to the integration between GO Feature Flag and OpenFeature.

To better serve our users' diverse needs, we've decided to split the previous Go provider into two distinct providers:

Feature Flagging in the SDLC

· One min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag

Thomas recently delivered a presentation on Feature Flagging in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) for OpenFeature. Given the presentation's public availability, we are pleased to share the slides with you.

Effective management of the feature flag lifecycle is crucial for maximizing the value of feature flags within an organization.

This presentation is covering the following key areas:

  • Feature flag lifecycle: Understanding the complete journey of a feature flag.
  • Roles and responsibilities: Identifying who owns each phase of the lifecycle.
  • Feature flag naming conventions: Best practices for clear and consistent flag identification.
  • Preventing flag debt: Strategies for avoiding the accumulation of unused or obsolete flags.
  • Involving project managers: The importance of project management collaboration in feature flag initiatives.

By understanding these concepts, you can optimize your feature flagging strategy and drive business success.

GO Feature Flag Supports OpenFeature Remote Evaluation Protocol (OFREP)!

· 7 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag
OpenFeature logo

We're excited to announce that GO Feature Flag is now one of the first flag management systems to support the Open Feature Remote Evaluation Protocol (OFREP) (currently in an experimental stage).

This is a significant step towards the adoption of Open Feature, a community-driven initiative aiming to standardize feature flag management across different platforms.

The Power of Rollbacks

· 5 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag

As software engineers, the process of releasing new features and updates can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
You've put in countless hours of hard work, and the moment has arrived to introduce your latest creation to the world.

But what happens when things don't go as planned? What if a new feature causes unforeseen issues or negatively impacts your users?

This is where feature flags come to the rescue, offering a safety net that allows you to roll back features immediately without waiting for a deployment. In this blog post, we'll explore why feature flags are an essential tool for securing your software releases.

Enhancing Flag Configuration with Flag Metadata

· 3 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag


In the ever-evolving world of software development, feature flag solutions have become instrumental in enabling continuous integration and deployment. These solutions allow developers to toggle features on and off without deploying new code, providing flexibility and control over feature releases.

But sometimes you need to give context about your flag, is it linked to an issue? Do you need a precise description? ... To respond to this, GO Feature Flag has recently introduced an exciting new feature: the ability to add metadata to each flag configuration.

With the version v1.11.0 of GO Feature Flag, developers can now add valuable metadata to their flag configurations. This metadata serves as additional information linked directly to each flag, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of its purpose and context. This metadata can include essential details such as issue tracker links, descriptions, or any other information that developers deem relevant.

Limiting Access to the relay proxy with API Keys

· 3 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag


GO Feature Flag Relay Proxy is a powerful tool that enables you to evaluate your feature flags without deploying code changes. It allows you to test and roll out new features to your users gradually, and to monitor the performance of your code in real-time.

With the recent release of version v1.7.0, GO Feature Flag Relay Proxy introduces a new feature that enhances the security of your feature flag evaluations. This new feature allows you to control who can access your relay proxy by configuring API Keys.

Feature Flag best practice

· 3 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag

Best Practice

Feature flags are a powerful tool for software development, allowing for more flexible and adaptable development processes.

However, to get the most out of feature flags, it's important to follow some best practices to ensure they are used effectively and efficiently.

Multiple Configuration Flags for GO Feature Flag 🗄️

· 3 min read
Thomas Poignant
Creator of GO Feature Flag

Are you tired of managing your feature flags with a single configuration flag?

We've got good news for you GO feature flag now supports multiple configuration flags! Plus, we've added a new feature that allows all files to be loaded in parallel, making it faster and more efficient.

Retriever Flow

Managing feature flags can be a challenging task, especially as your application grows and becomes more complex. With multiple configuration flags, you can easily manage different feature flag configurations for different apps, user groups, or any other criteria that you need. You can also use the same flags for multiple features, making it easier to maintain and update your code.

In addition to multiple configuration flags, we've also ensured that all files are downloaded in parallel. This means that your feature flag configurations will be downloaded faster and more efficiently, improving the performance of your application.

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